Rotary clubs have water projects on tap By Arnold Grahl and Ryan Hyland Rotary International News -- 22 March 2011
Villages in four regions of Ghana are being equipped with ventilated pit latrines,
showers, and boreholes featuring hand pumps and mechanized pipes
through the efforts of dozens of Rotary clubs in Latin America, North America, and Ghana.
an alliance between Rotary International and USAID.
Launched in 2009, it works to implement long-term, sustainable water, sanitation,
and hygiene projects in the developing world.
The first phase of the partnership has focused on three countries:
Ghana, the Philippines, and the Dominican Republic.
"With this collaboration, Rotary is taking the commitment to clean water
and sanitation to the next level,"
says RI Vice President Thomas M. Thorfinnson,
a member of the RI/USAID Steering Committee.
"We're not just focused on simply providing safe drinking water and walking away.
We are looking at our ability to partner to make a larger impact
in a bigger part of the world through sustainable projects and clean sanitation practices."
Billions of people lack access to safe drinking water and proper sanitation.
To draw attention to the need for action,
the United Nations has designated 22 March as World Water Day.
Each year since 1993, it has selected a different theme.
This year focuses on the impact of rapid urban growth
and the challenges of urban water management.
The International H2O Collaboration is an example of Rotary's dedication
to water and sanitation issues, an area of focus under
The Rotary Foundation's Future Vision Plan.
In Ghana, Rotarians are working with committees in about 100 communities
to change sanitation behaviors and provide training on maintaining the new equipment.
The committees are responsible for establishing fees for water use
and using the money collected to operate and maintain the pumps.
Rotarians in the Philippines have been working with the country's
Solid Waste Management Association to keep garbage out of a
wastewater treatment plant that serves one of Manila's large public markets.
They have made several site visits and assisted in training and surveying market vendors.
As a result, the vendors have developed a plan to compost up to 60 percent
of biodegradable waste and use it to fertilize newly planted trees.
Thorfinnson says that almost all Rotary funds in the Dominican Republic
are going toward bio-sand filters, while USAID funds are helping to improve
and construct water supply and sanitation systems and provide hygiene education.
Did you know: About 70% of the earth is covered in water.
Freshwater lakes and rivers, ice and snow, and underground aquifers
hold only 2..5% of the world's water.
By comparison, saltwater oceans and seas contain 97.5% of the world's water supply.
Fifty percent of the world's wetlands have been lost since 1900.
If all of the world's water were fit into a one gallon jug,
the fresh water available for us to use would equal only about one tablespoon.
On a global average, most freshwater withdrawals -- 69% --
are used for agriculture, while industry accounts for 23%
and municipal use (drinking water, bathing and cleaning,
and watering plants and grass) just 8%.
During the 20th century, water use increased at double the rate of population growth;
while the global population tripled,
water use per capita increased by six times.
One fifth of the world's freshwater fish -- 2,000 of 10,000 species identified --
are endangered, vulnerable, or extinct.
In North America, the continent most studied, 67% of all mussels,
51% of crayfish, 40% of amphibians, 37% of fish,
and 75% of freshwater mollusks are rare, imperiled, or already gone.. ---
· Over 800 million people lack access to safe drinking water,
2.4 billion to adequate sanitation.
· Each day almost 10,000 children under the age of 5 in Third World countries
die as a result of illnesses contracted by use of impure water.
· African and Asian women walk an average of 6 kilometres
each trip in order to fetch water.
· One drop of oil can render up to 25 litres of water unfit for drinking.
· You can survive about a month without food, but only 5 to 7 days without water.
· The world is on track to reach the Millennium Development Goal re water,
but is woefully behind its targets for the MDG re sanitation.
· Rotarians have contributed over $89 million in water & sanitation projects
over the last ten years.
NEW MEMBER Rotary Club of Swan Valley President Brian welcomes Rob Walton from the club newsletter
District Governor for 2013-14
The District Nominating Committee
for the selection of District Governor Nominee for 2013-14
has selected Hank de Smit
of the Rotary Club of Mount Lawley for the role.
In accordance with the Bylaws,
clubs have two weeks to propose a challenging candidate.
Any challenging candidate proposed by a club must have been nominated
by the club when nominations were first called for this position.
The period for submission of a challenge to this
Nominating Committee selection is 4 April 2011.
from the Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay newsletter
Rotary Club of CarnarvonHello Phil
We all enjoy your newsletter and thought it is about time we contributed.
As you may know Carnarvon and the Gascoyne suffered as a result of heavy rains
and flooding of the Gascoyne River before Christmas:
we have had in fact four rivers come down since then.
You can imagine the devastation as a result.
The town was flooded by the rains, and then the river, the plantations by rain
and the flooding river, not to mention pastoral properties and stations homesteads
that were just washed away.
The small town of Gascoyne Junction all but vanished from the face of the earth.
Things were beginning to return to some semblance of order,
the growers started planting again and now we have plagues of locusts and grasshoppers.
It is a really anxious time for our primary producers.
Gascoyne Junction was severely flooded with the town looking rather like a war zone.
This club decided we would 'adopt' them and with funds sent us by so many of the clubs
in the south west, we have been able to do just that.
For 6 weeks now we have been trying to get out to the town (roads have been cut all this time) to help them clear away the ruins of their town and their lives.
Last weekend we managed to get there and took with us all manner of things
such as gardening equipment, furniture, kitchen utensils, tools and whatever.
The members of the club set too with gloves, covered with flynets, and clutching large orange rubbish bags to collect the small items of rubbish about the streets.
Come Sunday morning it was into the bigger items such as sheets of tin, tables, chairs, gas bottles, fridges, rubbish bins, beds and so much more.
The morning finished with Rotarians cooking a giant breakfast for themselves and the locals. What a feast.
What fun we had, despite the fact that it was hot, the flies were more than friendly and it was hard work, it was a great weekend.
Something we will all remember for some time.
The people were just so appreciative and we are hoping that now that we have helped clear away some of the devastation they can begin in earnest to rebuild their lives.
It must have been just so depressing to look out each day on the chaos left by the raging torrent.
Your heart aches for them, being so islolated and feeling rather forgotten by almost everyone. We hope you can use the attached pictures in your newsletter.
Kind regards ........Joy Wade Secretary
The Rotary Club of Heirisson
The event was run in conjunction with Telethon and raised $20K for them.
The rest of the funds raised went towards Rotary projects.
We launched 10.000 ducks and had 3 winners as advertised..
A great day and well enjoyed by the community who visited.
The winning ducks were " plucked " out by the Lord Mayor of Perth.
GuessWho?? it's Doug Worthigton Taken from the club newsletter and Doug Worthington's Facebook page
Dear Friends, Colleagues & Fellow Rotarians. please see above find the Final 'Live' Flyer for the forthcoming
Clara Helms Kelmscott-Roleystone Fire Relief 'WoW' Concert,
which is now for 'Public Release'
Here are some key points where you can assist this very worthy cause.
Flyer Distribution...
Please forward to YOUR Social networks ASAP,
with your personal note seeking support for the Concert attendance.
Please reproduce some copies to leave on your front counter
and to display in local shop windows.
Media Contacts...
If you have contacts within the Media (Main Stream Media, Local Press,
Community Radio, etc, etc) please inform them and seek their support
. Auction Items...
We are seeking donations of Goods (new) or Services,
which we can use in Live & Silent Auctions,
on the night, to raise more funds for the Fire Victims.
If you have 'suppliers' with whom you do business,
please ask them to donate some goods or services
and 'if' they say no, think about changing your supplier!
Ticket Sales...
All ticket sales are being managed by the Staff of the
Australian Technical College (ATC)
Tickets may be ordered by calling the ATC on 1300 303 677
and paid for via Credit Car
Rotary Clubs...
Please promote ticket sales within your own Club and Community
and then email names/numbers to Samantha O'Neill (Sam)
10 x Rotary Volunteers are required to assist on the day
(Saturday 2nd April) if YOU can help please
100% of revenue raised from Ticket Sales and Auctions
will go to the Lord Mayors Disaster Relief Fund
to directly aid the victims of the recent Kelmscott/Roleystone Bush Fire Victims.
Please support our sponsors who will cover ALL operational costs associated
with this event. Come-Along...
On 2nd April 2011
and enjoy a Wonderful Evening of Song and a Complimentary Supper. See you all there...
Many thanks for your kind and generous support
Regards Rod Slater
Concert Event Manager
Perth Rotary Club
0418 958 735
Rotary Club of Attadale
Guest Speaker - Nicole Ripley Carole Maxwell introduced our Guest Speaker,
ambassadorial scholar Nicole Ripley from Nelson in British Columbia, Canada.
Nicole was selected as the 2011/12 ambassadorial scholar
from the Rotary Club of Kelowna Ogopogo, BC District 5060.
Nicole has a BA degree in Psychology from the University of British Columbia
in Okanagan and an Associate degree in Psychology from Okanagan College.
Whilst in WA she will be attending Notre Dame University In Fremantle
studying for a Master’s degree in Psychology.
Nicole who has already been swept away by the Attadale Rotary Club
in selling raffle tickets, becoming involved with sausage sizzles
and playing lawn bowls gave a most interesting talk on her home town,
her family and university life.
she was very thankful to Rotary giving her the privilege of travel,
meeting some wonderful people and completing further studies.
from the club newsletter
click to embiggen -------
Group Study Exchange
Last Monday evening [ 21st]
the three Kalgoorlie Rotary Clubs had a joint meeting
at the Tower Hotel to welcome
the GSE Team from D5870 Texas to the Goldfields
thanks to Esther Roadnight for the pictures ------
Rotary Club of Osborne Park click to embiggen
Rotary Club of Swan Valley
Our Swan Valley Sundowner in support of the Bali School Kids project
was held on Saturday 12th March in the outdoor area of Carilley.
Ninety-six attendees (including a number of members)
enjoyed are relaxed afternoon of fellowship in the idyllic Swan Valley setting.
Much positive feedback and support for the committee was expressed by the sponsors,
families and friends who attended.
Volunteers to support future events and efforts both financially
and in kind were passed on to the committee –
in particular avenues for prizes, support for school library bags, travel etc.
.. Seven new child sponsorships were undertaken during the afternoon
with others in the pipeline as well as financial donations.
Begun in 1999 with just 4 sponsored children,
this past week the project celebrated a wonderful milestone
in receiving sponsorship for the 1000th child.
Currently approx 700 students are supported by the program across 7 different schools,
with another 300 having benefited from the program
and now attending high school.
The raffle (first prize won by none other than our own Yvonne Abercromby !),
sales of souvenir project sarongs and stubbie holders
and the whiskey coin toss raised over $650.
Proceeds will support a special scholarship for a promising student
of academic ability in the name of our Club.
Enormous thanks to those who donated their support including
City Toyota, Integrity Tyres (courtesy of Rob Abercromby), Chatters Restaurant,
C Restaurant, Carilley, Phil Wyndham and Donna Evans
who donated prizes for the raffle / gifts etc ..
Special thank you to Kim from ‘Our Travel Agent’ for her attendance
and support and also for donation of two travel vouchers.
Carilley did a great job with the food which was well sampled and appreciated.
Thanks also to all the members who assisted in running the day -
on the door (Betty and Yvonne), selling raffle tickets (Norma),
selling sarongs and stubbie holders (Donna)
and of course Noel and Geraldine (without whom there would be no project).
Also thanks to those members who showed support through
their attendance and assistance.
Congratulations to all for making the day a great success
and with many sponsors looking forward to the next one!
from the club newsletter
Peter Durrant 9388 9775
Peter Hodgson 9494 1250
from Doug Worthington
Norway asked for us to arrange temporary hosting for their student,
Tiril Reksnes , on exchange in Japan.
I arranged hosting and we will have her with us for 3 weeks
until she either returns to Japan or Norway.
In light of what the Japanese R Clubs have advised.
I believe that she will return directly to Norway from here
She will join all the other Inbound students at the District conference.
thanks Doug -----
Rotary Club of Belmont
taken on the Canning River,
the 2 [very polite] young ladies enjoyed it,
but Sanne was a bit petrified about the jelly fish,
and Piera said she felt not as fit as she would like to be.
But they both left with a smile, and that is what it is all about.
Thanks goes to my friend;
from the (ex) Bassendean Sea Scouts Group;
Alan Cain which supplied 2 of the kayaks.
thanks Mike Winslade
Rotary Club of Hannans
from the club newsletter
Rotary Club of Heirisson
from the club newsletter
Vicky Fischer and Cara Hillerbrand with Doug Worthington
thanks Doug
Non Rotary events being promoted by Rotary Clubs
Rotary Club of Corrigin
Rotary Club of Bunbury -------
Rotary Club of Batavia Coast
Progressive Dinner
April 16th
Rotary Club of Willetton
Sausage Sizzle
April 7th
Innerwheel of Mandurah Charter night
May 28th
Meadow Springs
The Rotary Clubs of Harvey, Collie and Pinjarra
are helping out people who were not fully covered by insurance in the recent bushfires
Rotary Club of Batavia Coast
Mid West Muster
April 24th
Rotary Club of Batavia Coast
Relay for Life breakfast
April 3rd
April 10th Rotary Club of Bridgetown [1954]
April 11th
Rotary Club of Hillarys [ 1986]
April 11th
Rotary Club of Mandurah Districts [1986]
April 12th
Rotary Club of Attadale [1982]
April 12th
Rotary Club of Palm Beach [1982]
April 15th
Rotary Club of Perth [1927]
April 15th
Rotary Club of Collie [1954]
April 15th
Rotary Club of Carnarvon [1963]
April 17th
Rotary Club of North Perth [1972]
April 17th
Rotary Club of Northbridge [ 1984]
April 19th
Rotary Club of Mandurah City [ 1993]
April 22nd
Rotary Club of Kwinana [ 1971]
March 31st...Thursday..........Closing date for RotaryYouth Exchange 2012
April 2nd.......Saturday.......Rotary Club of Perth Bushfire Concert
April 3rd........Sunday...Rotary Club of Karrinyup Community Fair
April 8th.........Friday.... Rotary Club of Crawley .. A Night to Remember
April 9th.......Saturday...Rotary Club of Geraldton Greenough Red Hill Concert
April 9th..........Saturday........Rotary Club of Corrigin Motor Show
April 23rd........Saturday... Rotary Clubs of Mandurah "Duck Race"
April 24th... Sunday......Rotary Club of Batavia Coast Mid West Muster
April 30th........Saturday......Rotary Club of Bentley Curtin Quiz Night
May 7th...Saturday.....Rotary Club of Western Endeavour Quiz Nite
May 14th........Saturday........Rotary Club of Balajura/Malaga Quiz Night
May 20th...............Friday..................Australian Rotary Health Hat Day
May 20-22nd .................................District 9465 RYPEN Seminar
May 28th........Saturday........Innerwheel Mandurah Charter night
June 11th...Saturday...Rotary Club of Canningtons Ladies Seminar
June 24-26th......................District 9455 RYPEN Seminar
August 21st.......Sunday.......Rotary Club of Boulder Radio Auction
October 23rd...... Sunday........Rotary Club of Hannans Belzano Race
------- Club Changeovers
Rotary Club of Applecross..............Friday June 3rd
Rotary Club of Bentley Curtin ...... Monday June 20th
Rotary Club of Heirisson......Saturday June 25th
Rotary Club of Attadale.........Monday June 27th
Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay........ Thursday June30th
Rotary Club of Ascot .......................Friday July 1st
All items appearing in Rotary out West are considered to be in the public domain.
Should you own copyright to any of these items or require recognition,
or have your copyright item removed please contact
"Quote of the Week"
Three animals in a bar was having a huge argument over who was the best.
The first animal, a hawk, claimed that because of his ability to fly,
he could attack anything repeatedly from above, and his prey hardly had a chance.
The second, a lion, based his claim on his strength.
No one in the jungle dared to challenge him, King of the Jungle.
The third, a skunk, insisted he needed neither flight nor strength to frighten
off any creature with his unique arsenal.
As the three were debating this issue,
a grizzly bear came along and swallowed them all;
hawk, lion and stinker!
stolen from the Rotary Club of Ascot newsletter