Sunday, February 27, 2022


The Rotary Club of Morisset


There are over 50 Rotary Clubs and 24 Rotaract clubs in Ukraine.

While we hope for peace and safety for all Ukrainians

 we extend a special hope for the safety of all Rotarians,

 Rotaractors and their families at this time.

The 2022 Rotary International Convention is rapidly approaching, and we’re excited to gather again in person for the chance to learn, grow, and connect. So, take this opportunity to save and register for the convention 4-8 June in Houston, Texas, USA. 

But don’t delay because this offer
expires on 28 February 2022. You’ll have the chance to cancel for a full refund until 30 April 2022, minus a $50 per person administration fee. 

We also want you to be confident that we’ll be following U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention requirements on COVID-19, including the use of masks and other safety measures for in-person gatherings. Visit to learn more about the safety protocols that will be in place at the convention. 

After two years of virtual-only gatherings, Houston presents an in-person opportunity to build and strengthen relationships, share experiences and expertise, learn from the best and brightest, and so much more. We hope you’ll come explore all the possibilities in a city known for space exploration, theater, museums, and cuisine from around the world. 

We can’t wait to welcome you!  

Act now and encourage your friends to do the same: 
Houston Convention.

 Houston | Rotary Convention

RI President Elect Jennifer Jones receiving our

 #rotaryinternational #EndPolioNowScarf.

ThanksNicki Scott for transporting it over the pond.
Jen was delighted to receive it and thought it is a great idea!
To buy yours


Rotary Club of Esperance welcomes first female member

ABC Esperance

  By Emily JB Smith

Posted Tue 22 Feb 2022

Corrina Rawlinson with Rotary Club of Esperance President Rod Taylor 

and next year's president Scott Mackie.(Supplied: Hayden Smith)

Corrina Rawlinson never planned on becoming a trailblazer.

The Esperance resident wanted to join Rotary

 to help her community, particularly with youth mental health.

But when she told the idea to her dad Scott Mackie,

 who has a long association with the organisation,

 he had some surprising news. 

The Rotary Club of Esperance, which turns 60 this year,

 had never had a female member.

Last night we welcomed Agnes to our Rotary club.

 We look forward to getting to know her and sharing our work

 in the community with her.

 Congratulations Agnes!


SATURDAY 12 March 2022 - from 9.00am to 2.30pm


We are delighted to launch the 2022

 Rotary Conference District 9455 on Zoom.


Join us on a journey of discovery to explore how as Australians,

 we are one, and together we can progress our Reconciliation journey.


Why don't you create a Club Event for the conference

 and book your Club Ticket today.

 Invite as many of your club members, friends and partners 

as you want to join you on the day!


Click here for more information and to book.

Ali, Aisha and Ali-Najib live in a displacement camp in Marib,

 north-central Yemen.

 They, and many other families we asked, told us,

 “We can’t survive in nests.”

You see, 
people in Yemen use twigs, palm fronds

 and shreds of clothes to create makeshift shelters that they call nests.

 Ali collected scraps of metal, bits of materials and oil drums

 to build a shelter for his family.

 Other families have even less - they live under trees

, covering themselves with palm branches to create 

a makeshift roof over their heads.

But it is not only living in improvised shelters that puts their lives at risk.

 On top of the corona virus pandemic

, Yemen is in the grip of the worst cholera epidemic of modern times

To add to this threat, the combination of a densely populated

 campsite and lack of sanitation creates a breeding ground 

for mosquitoes that can transmit malaria or dengue fever.

 Make a Donation | ShelterBox Australia

You can help by making a tax-deductible donation

 to a bush fire relief project managed by your Rotary district

, of which 100% of funds will be used for disaster relief.

Donate at

As Rotarians we share a unique passion for taking action to improve

 our communities and the world.

 Where others see problems, we see solutions.

 This is our chance to show others how Rotarians see what’s possible

 in their communities and to highlight what we can achieve when more community leaders

 join Rotary. Roslyn Teirney will show you how our

 People of Action campaign will help you do this.

You can support Australian Rotary Health’s vision in

 funding mental health research for our children.

Donate here


Last week the club held our annual Emergency Services Personnel of the Year Award.

 This award recognises the contribution of outstanding individuals

 in our Emergency Services in the Community.

Thanks to all those who go above and beyond to make our community

 a great, safe place to live.

This year our winner was Xavier Lucas from WAPOL,

 his service to youth in the Goldfields through his boxing programme

 on top of his full time job is really making a difference to young lives.

Our Rotary International Theme for this year is Serve to Change Lives,

 which we beleive all of our nominees,

 and all of our Emergency Serives Personnel do on a daily basis.

Thank you for your service.

#espoy #rotaryclubofboulder #rcb #servetochangelives #boulderboys #Rotary

photos from our annual Club Picnic on the South Perth foreshore.

 This includes our farewell to Colin & Sandra Burns,

 and presentation to Bella Gooding,

 as the 2022 Awardee for the Des Killick Student Scholarship at Como SC.

 A great evening had by all.


We have received a significant amount of positive 

and supportive feedback

 about the delivery of the very successful 

Wanneroo Christmas Day Lunch.

The sun certainly turned it on for us with a sweltering 42 degrees 🥵

so we were grateful for the indoor venue at Irene McCormack! Community

 members were treated to a delicious Christmas lunch,

 plenty of Christmas spirit & cheers

 from the team & our wonderful volunteers that made the event so special.

Of course we could not have managed such a feat 

without the generosity of local businesses.

Here is our President Brian Butterworth presenting certificates 

to Julie Otrembo

 of Bunnings Mindarie in appreciation for donating the

 Christmas decoration for the WCDL

 & to

Coles Butler in appreciation for donating all the drinks and bottled water

 for our 250 guests at the WCDL.

Thank you Bunnings & Coles for your generous support. 👏

Alena Ng, is our NYSF candidate

. Alena, her mother Connie and teacher Brenda attended our club

 to present the National Youth Science Forum experiences to the members.

 A very compelling talk that indicates the length and breadth of the contacts

 and activities had by the attendees

. Brenda also talked about the interact Club that is maturing

 at the local Byford Secondary College.



It’s customary that all REQ events and projects end with some Octopus Energy 🐙

Have a great weekend all!

Rotary in Western Australia

Rotary Down Under

Rotary International

Wednesday 23rd February is wear your Rotary shirt day. Celebrate being a Rotarian.

The Rotary Club of Subiaco joined SubiAction, business owners,

 managers and local residents for a walk and workshop last night

. Our aim was to brainstorm ideas on how we can bring life

 and love back into Subiaco

. Some interesting projects were discussed.

 Fantastic being around so many passionate 

and motivated people who only have Subiaco’s future at heart.

Streets of Subi

Smart Roads - how can that be?! Elliott Panos from Main Roads WA

 gave a fascinating and well-received talk on Smart Freeways

 with reference to the monitoring and operating control work 

done on Kwinana Freeway

 to improve traffic flow.

 This is judged to have been a great success.

 Thank you Elliott!



😷🥪All set up for Eat Up Australia sandwich making session …

 nothing will get in our way of making 1,010 sandwiches

 for 12 of our local schools 💪😁


Member Richard Hardwick, our resident "painter extraordinaire"

, shown here handing over a second "Dudley"

 painting to Kim Le Souef as a gift,

 due to Kim's longstanding historical family connection

 to the vehicle

. Great work & thank you Richard!


Bricks4Kidz is back!!

Saturday 19th March at the Hub of Hills Mundaring.

 To avoid people booking and not showing up, this year 

we have a $15 per person fee that will be fully refunded when you arrive at the venue.

To book click here!


Horse Shoe Falls    Kununurra