Graphic Designers –
The Rotary Fellowship of Graphic Designers is a group of people who work in or
enjoy the common interest of graphic design. The fellowship plans to meet virtually
and in-person to share best practices, work together, share professional ideas,
and build fellowship.
Hunting – The purpose of the
International Rotary Fellowship of Hunters is
to cultivate international friendship among hunters. The fellowship will
promote the acceptance of hunting among the population while maintaining
hunting ethics and traditions.
Wildlifers for Conservation – The Rotary Fellowship of Wildlifers for Conservation is a
group of any interested individuals who share a common interest and are willing
to work towards building a future in which people and nature thrive.
Vaccines matter.
They are life-changing scientific breakthroughs
and play a critical role in fighting preventable diseases.
Learn more:
A kind and loving person who was passionate about Rotary
and a long time Honorary member of the Club,
she lived the “Service Above Self” values.
Even though she lived in Cunderdin, she was regularly take a train
and we are keeping you
in our thoughts and prayers.
Bunbury's Tiny House project viewing ..
. something very special.
A lot of support from our community and some careful thinking
have come up with a winner.
Some enthusiastic members of the club, Dennis, Darryl, Grenville,
John and partners Don and Louise planting the garden at the Tiny Houses
. Well done everyone a great community effort and a bit of fun as
Rotary Cambridge members acting as Extras in a video being made by ECU students
for the WA Parliament to commemorate the centenary
of the maiden speech made by Edith Cowan
MERC Working with West Australian Communities from Burundi
and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
On Sunday 9 May 2021 (yes Mothers Day!) Tina and Colin Arthur
worked with the above communities to load up their trucks with
second-hand medical equipment and supplies bound for Burundi and the DRC.
The three MERC sea containers used for storage only, are located in Rockingham
at President Stephen Lee’s business premises.
A big shout-out to the MERC team for all the hard work they do in coordinating
this ongoing project that has a truly life-changing impact on the communities it supports.
Last few days to bring your items of non perishable food to our collection points
for Give a Damn Give a Can for those in need in our community
#infreo#fremantle #fremantleshippingnews #fremantlestory #freomassive
Wonderful Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner evening enjoyed by all
with Mike Nella & Kylee, Guests John & Chris Iriks,
James & Cathy Sharkey, Kim Beciri & Paul Durant.
What an amazing celebration of Survivors of Family & Domestic Violence
held on the weekend.
Congratulations to Rotarian Rebecca Tolstoy AM & her Path Of Hope Events Team.
Each year seems to be better than the last - a truely wonderful evening giving hope
to those who are yet to escape FDV and joy to those who have.
A room full of love, inspiration, positive affirmation & gratitude.
Congratulations to Major Margaret on being presented with the
“John Garland AM Meritorious Award in honour and gratitude
of her Service to those
most in need. A magical evening.
Tonight a couple of our newer members, Jane and Sandra presented the spoils
from their recent sock drive to Ken, coordinator of the Rotary Club of Heirisson’s
club members, friends and the students of Churchlands Senior High School
- with the our club matching the effort to double the outcome!
Great work ladies.
And the winners of the Rotaract club of Belmont Wild West Quiz night
are the Martin table. Will done team!
Another successful Rotary Quiz Night at the Byford Hall.
We had had 'half a crowd' and they enjoyed a spirited contest with many prizes won.
Thanks to the sponsors, participants and members who made the
Tonight Members and friends of the Rotary Club of Subiaco
went on a very informative and impressive tour
of Bob Hawke College with Principal John Burke
followed by a feast at the Irish Club of WA with live entertainment
@Bob Hawke College
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this amazing collection of item
s that President Michael and Michelle handed over to the Perth Homeless Support Group
. Want to find our more about the work of this group?
Head to their website at to find out more