Sunday, November 20, 2022


            Ways to celebrate Rotary Foundation Month

Generous gifts to The Rotary Foundation help create lasting change in

 communities both nearby and around the world.

 In honor of Rotary Foundation Month in November,

 we’re asking club and district leaders to thank donors and 

reflect on the good that their donations make possible.

 Here are three ways you can celebrate Foundation Month

:Make a special gift 

to the Foundation on Giving Tuesday, 29 November.

 The top clubs in fundraising, participation, and online giving

 will be featured on My Rotary.

 Take a look at last year’s honorees.Help others in need by 

giving the gift of Rotary anytime during November.

Take time during a club meeting to show members how the 

Foundation transforms gifts into service projects that advance 

world understanding, goodwill, and peace by fighting disease

, improving the quality of education, protecting the environment,

 alleviating poverty, and more. 

Invite a Foundation scholarship recipient

 or a community member who was involved in 

and benefited from a grant project to speak about its impact on their life.

Melbourne: A capital destination

Melbourne, host city of the 2023 Rotary International Convention,

 is an Australian capital in every sense of the word. 

With its many tourist attractions and rich history, locals 

claim it as the culinary, cultural, sports, and shopping capital of Australia.

 Meagan Martin, editor of Rotary Down Under, and her husband, 

 creative director Rhys Martin, provide insider intel on their

 much-loved city in the November issue of Rotary magazine.

Register by 15 December to take advantage of the early registration discount.

The two-day Global Malaria Congress being run over 

the two-days immediately prior to the May 2023 RI Convention.


The two-day Congress brings respected malaria experts,

 governments, NGO's, corporates, Rotarians and non-Rotarians

 together in Melbourne, Australia; to share,

 educate and discuss how to Finish the Fight Against Malaria.


Malaria is treatable and curable,

 yet a child still dies of it almost every minute. 

This is the tragedy we must stop together.


Register to attend and add your voice to Finish the Fight.


Click on the link to register


Early bird pricing ends Dec 15th


For 9565 clubs book here


For 9455 clubs book here

The 2022 Give a Feed festive season campaign is now underway.

 This is a key Rotary service initiative that all 

WA Rotarians can actively promote with passion and vigour.


It's a great way to advocate corporate gifting right

 across the professional and business community, 

with family, friends, colleagues, staff, 

customers and suppliers etc.


See more at



Distributions of ShelterBox tents took place in the Sindh region

 of Pakistan earlier in October,

 with the help of our partner, Islamic Relief.


Our hearts go out to those affected by the flooding 

in Western and Southern NSW.

 The events in places like Forbes, Condobolin, Bourke, and Hay

 are a stark reminder that disasters can strike anywhere, anytime. 

The changing climate is displacing more and more

 people around the globe,

 with the UN putting the current figure at 100 million.

 We need to mobilise to meet the challenges faced now and in the future.

In this month's newsletter, there is news from

 the ongoing conflict in Ukraine,

 an upscaling of our flood response in Pakistan

Victoria and Dmytro are community leaders at a

 block of apartments about 20km outside of Kyiv.

 The top floor and roof were almost completely destroyed 

after two attacks in March following the conflict.

Ukraine - Conflict

With the passage of time, the number of refugees in need

 of shelter assistance has reduced whilst the gap

 in provision within Ukraine has remained widespread.

 Therefore, as we now move into phase 2 of our response,

 we are focusing on supporting people within Ukraine

 to prepare for the winter months ahead.

Project 4 aims to reach 2,000 households with emergency repair kits 

- including tarpaulins, wooden batons, and fixings to allow windows

 and doors to be sealed –

 and a selection of winter specific aid items,

 including winter jackets, hats, gloves, blankets, and solar lights.

 1,000 of these households will also receive a solid fuel stove

 and a supply of firewood. 

Needs assessments for project 4 are underway 

as aid has started to arrive at our warehouse in Kyiv.

 We are prioritising rural and suburban communities

 where people are still living in damaged houses

Shelterbox relief tents have provided much-need protection

 from the elements in Sindh Province

Pakistan - Floods

Since mid-June, Pakistan has been overwhelmed by

 severe monsoon rains and flooding.

 The authorities have reported a 150% increase in rain in 2022,

 compared with the 30-year average.

Although floodwaters have since receded 56% since peak levels,

 as of October 9, an estimated 14,300 square miles of

 standing floodwaters remained, the majority of which in Sindh province.

 As many as 13 million people now face flood related risks 

across Baluchistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP),

 Punjab and Sindh provinces with extreme concern for

 the heightened incidence of disease transmission 

due to standing water.

 As many as 14.6 million people are now facing acute levels of food

 insecurity through the next few months.

We are planning to scale up the ShelterBox response

 with a third longer-term recovery focused project.

 We will focus on improved, semi-permanent shelters 

once the emergency response is complete, 

and the long-term consequences of the flooding on the affected 

population has been ascertained.

🤩Any Doc Martin fans in the room?

"It’s clear the life-changing impact ShelterBox aid

 has on people right across the world. 

When people find themselves in the most desperate of situations,

 with livelihoods, homes, and sometimes family members,

 taken from them 

– ShelterBox can help them with the first step to rebuilding their lives." 

- Martin Clunes

As this iconic show draws to a close, we at ShelterBox Australia

would like to say a huge thank you (from down under 🇦🇺)

 to all of the cast and crew for the support

 they have show us over the years 💚


Tonight we inducted an impressive young man, Ryan Bradley

. Welcome Ryan!

pictures from July 2014

🧐 Did you know that #parents were more than twice as likely

 to have poor mental health when they were in a 1-parent family

 compared with those in a 2-parent family? 

A focus on a parent's


is also a focus on a child's mental health 👥

Australian Rotary Health

 fund research that support parent's mental health.

 You can contribute too here

The Radio Auction is our biggest project of the year,

 it takes months of preparation, then it's all over and done with in a week.

 Unfortunately we had to cancel our Community Carnival this year,

 which was a very difficult decision, but ultimately the right one

 as the weather wasn't great on the day.

Over 700 businesses were contacts, nearly 300 items were donated 

and Auctioned off as either Live, Silent or Online Items.

We received a record $92,000 in Sponsorship this year,

 along with a whopping $14,000 in In Kind Sponsors.

We ran raffles and sold tickets to our launch party,

 and we are absolute thrilled to announce today that the total

 raised for the 2022 is another Record...


These funds will go towards our 18 local beneficiaries

 as well as $25,000 for the Goldfields Family Assistance Fund

 and several Rotary Projects including our BBQ Trailer Project,

 High School Scholarships, RYLA, RYPEN, Camp Inspiration,

 Defibrillator Project and many more throughout the year.

 Potentially 1000's of people benefiting from this Auction.

Once again, a big thank you to all of our Sponsors,

 Donors, Bidders and team members for making this event another HUGE success.

.. work on 2023 starts shortly

! 🙂Look forward to having you all back on board again next year.


Thank you to the City of Rockingham 

for a wonderful 2022 Recognition Function

Thank you everybody. A joyous turnout of Rotarians,

 family and friends, walking to raise awareness

 of mental health and contributing to research.

On November 27 our club encourages residents in the Dalkeith

 and Nedlands community to donate to the Foodbank Cans 

for Xmas cause.

 Last year the community donated the equivalent of 9000 meals. 

Residents will receive a bag to donate cans and non perishables

 during that week.

 In advance, we thank you for your support.



2022 Rotary Christmas Cakes

$18 each

800gm Rum and Brandy Fruit Cake (50% fruit) presented

 in a decorative collectors tin - ready to slice and serve.

Only 3 boxes left.

Please contact Di 0419 854 413 to secure your purchase 🙏❤️.

Remembrance Day November 11

Stirling Farmers Market 11th Birthday.

Helping to promote healthy eating, farm to table cuisine,

 connection to growers and the lowering of food miles -

 the market also gives us a fabulous connection to our local community

 and serves as a fabulous fundraiser 

- allowing us to invest in and support our community in many different ways.

Our birthday markets are always spectacular fun -

 with free pony rides, face painting and Eco Faeries activities for kids

 and Perth’s best produce for everyone else.


19 November celebrates the positive value men bring to the world,

 their families and communities worldwide with

International Mens Day

. The Rotary Club of Karrinyup together with Scarborough Rotary

hosted a gazebo at Scarborough Beach 

with Peter, Rob, Jerry and Brian spreading the good news about

Rotary International.


Congratulations to Belmont Rotaract Club who were volunteers 

at the Game Changer awards at Curtin University

What a lovely night we had on Saturday night learning how to play Bowls 

at the Kalamunda club.

 We had some very patient members of the bowling club 

showing how to play the game.

 We also enjoyed the Pizzas afterwards. 🍕😆


Last Friday night Jim & Jenny Calcei hosted a Sundowner 

for another social occasion for Attadale Rotarians and friends.

 The weather was a lot cooler than usual at this time of the year

 but the food and wine soon warmed everyone up.

 Thanks to Gail McCulloch for forwarding the 

following photos taken during the night 

Rotarians at play!

 Cambridge Club members and guests enjoyed a weekend

 touring gardens around Bridgetown

 with some good meals in between. 

Many thanks to the organisers.

Yesterday we had a massive day at our

 sausage sizzle Bunnings Cannington.

We sold out 3 times and had to restock.

We are very grateful to our volunteers who helped us

 out we really appreciate you.

Thanks to Jeya for all his organising.

We received this fabulous photo this morning from one of our

 happy customers and MJ the Majestic Cat.

 Isn't this brilliant.


Date/Time: Dec 4, 6:45pm

                             Venue: Greater Union Theatre, Morley Galleria.

Click here for the booking link

Early bird pricing ends Dec 15th


For 9565 clubs book here


For 9455 clubs book here



Mandalay Beach  Walpole




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