Sunday, October 27, 2013


Rotary helped put polio eradication on center stage
 on the day best known for rallying support to finish the job 
– World Polio Day, 24 October.
A special Livestream presentation 
 –  World Polio Day: Making History 
– showcased the progress of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.
 Co-hosted by Rotary and the Northwestern University Center for Global Health,
 the 60-minute program took place before a live audience
 at the John Hughes Auditorium on Northwestern’s Chicago campus 
and streamed online to viewers worldwide.
RI President Ron Burton kicked off the event 
by noting that Rotary began immunizing millions of children 
against polio in the 1970s, first in the Philippines 
and then in other high-risk countries.
“Polio rates in those countries plummeted,” Burton said.
 “As a result, in 1988, Rotary, the World Health Organization [WHO], UNICEF,
 and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 
came together to launch the Global Polio Eradication Initiative
 More recently, the initiative has benefited from the tremendous support
 of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation . . . .
 It is so very important to finish the job.”


Rotary Club of East Perth
Rotary Club East Perth held a World Polio Day event
 in Queens Gardens East Perth on 24th October, 
where DG Hank DeSmit spoke about the End Polio Now project.
 East Perth PP Merilyn shared her experiences after contracting Polio
 at age 4 ½ whilst living in Katanning.  
Mark Williamson RC Mundaring also spoke about his experience contracting Polio in Egypt
. We also had a talk from Tessa Jupp who is involved in Post Polio Network of WA Inc.
 Tessa handed out Post Polio Newsletters
 and a brief overview of the Late Effects of Polio.
Polio Pins were handed out to residents from Rod Evans Centre East Perth,
 Acting Commander  Charlie Carver WA Police,
 Acting CEO St.Bartholomew’s House John Berger, 
Councillor Jim Adamos City of Perth,  
Margaret-Anne Manifis PA for MLA Eleni Evangel.  
AG  Lindsey Francis and DGE Angus Buchanan were also in attendance
 along with members of RC East Perth. 
 Afternoon Tea followed the presentations.

Rotary Club of West Perth

World Polio day Video


Rotary Club of Ballajura Malaga

District Governor Hank de Smit and President Geoff Knight
 Adrian Fingleton

 Valerie Willstar


Rotary Club of Mill Point
Rotary Ramble

More Pictures

Rotaract Club of Perth

Some Exchange Students


To register on line please log onto;




Rotary Club of Heirisson

In 2012, with the help of caring people like you we provided hampers
 for 1000 families in crisis.
 Today more people need our help than ever before.
 This year, our goal is to supply hampers to 1500
 Western Australian’s in need. 
Together we can make Christmas 2013 
a happier time for WA families

Imagine if you could make a difference to this 
and imagine if you could feed one FAMILY at Christmas for $20.

Make a difference to Western Australians lives this Christmas 2013.


Rotary Club of Midland


Around the clubs

Rotary Club of Geraldton


Rotary Club of Cockburn
Hat Day Celebration
October 20th



Rotary Club of Osborne Park
Container of Hospital Equipment for Cambodia


Rotary Club of Como


Rotary Club of Wanneroo


Rotary Club of Belmont

Rotary Club of Kwinana

At the Kwinana Festival


Rotary Club of Heirisson


Rotary Club of Applecross


Rotary Club of Manjimup

 Jeremy Hubble CEO Shire of Manjimup- Update Shire
 Livia at the Probus Meeting


Rotary Club of Geraldton Greenough


Rotary Club of Bunbury


Rotary Club of Corrigin


Club Promotions



Rotary Club of Northbridge
















Rotary Club Birthdays



King Ozymandias of Assyria was running low on cash 
after years of war with the Hittites.
 His last great possession was the Star of the Euphrates,
 the most valuable diamond in the ancient world.
 Desperate, he went to Croesus, 
the pawnbroker, to ask for a loan. 
Croesus said, "I'll give you 100,000 dinars for it."
 "But I paid a million dinars for it," the King protested
. "Don't you know who I am? I am the king!" Croesus replied
, "When you wish to pawn a Star, makes 
no difference who you are."

Mozart meets the Wild West

Western Australia
Black Swans on Matilda Bay