Sunday, March 6, 2022


The Rotary Foundation creates channel for direct humanitarian 

support in Ukraine region

In response to the deepening humanitarian crisis in Ukraine,

 The Rotary Foundation has created an official channel 

for Rotary members around the world to contribute funds to support

 the relief efforts underway by Rotary districts and has designated its

Disaster Response Fund

as the main avenue for contributions.

To this end, The Rotary Foundation has approved:

·         Now through 30 June 2022, designated Rotary districts

 that border Ukraine and the Rotary district in Ukraine 

may apply for grants of up to $50,000 each from the Disaster Response Fund.

 These expedited disaster response grants can be used

 to provide relief to refugees or other victims of the crisis 

including items such as water, food, shelter, medicine and clothing.

·         During this same period, other impacted Rotary districts 

that wish to offer support to refugees or other victims of the crisis

 in their district can apply for $25,000 grants from the 

Disaster Response Fund.

·         Now through 30 April 2022, Rotary districts can transfer

unallocated District Designated Funds (DDF) 

to support the Disaster Response Fund,

 directly supporting these Ukraine-specific humanitarian grants.

·         Contributions to the Disaster Relief Fund in support of Ukraine 

can be made here

All funds need to be received into the Disaster Response Fund

 by 30 April 2022 in order to qualify for use in support of the Ukrainian relief efforts.

·         Although the Disaster Response Fund will be the main avenue

 for Rotary Foundation support, Rotary and Rotaract clubs

 are also encouraged to create their own responses

 to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

In addition to support provided through the Disaster Response Fund,

 the Foundation is coordinating with partners and regional leaders,

 exploring effective solutions to the increased humanitarian needs.

·         We are in contact with the United Nations High Commission

 on Refugees – USA to prepare for and respond to the needs 

of those being displaced in Ukraine and to neighboring countries.

·         ShelterBox, our project partner for disaster response,

 is in communication with Rotary members in Eastern Europe 

to explore how it may offer support with temporary transitional housing 

and other essential supplies.

·         The Rotary Action Group for Refugees, Forced Displacement,

 and Migration is also mobilizing its resources to assist in this crisis.

A million people have fled Ukraine and are in dire need of emergency aid.

 The United Nations estimates that number could grow to as many

 as 5 million people displaced.

 Rotary clubs in Europe and around the world have stepped up their relief work,

 some working on the ground to help displaced families.

We will continue to monitor the situation in Ukraine and neighboring countries.

 Visit My Rotary and follow Rotary on social media

 to stay updated on how clubs can get involved 

and what actions Rotary members have taken and the impact

 it has had for people in the region.

For all other questions and to obtain more information

, please contact the Rotary Support Center at


This week because of the flooding in QLD and Northern NSW,

 RAWCS has established a National Flood Appeal

 to raise funds for distribution to impacted families and businesses.


National Flood Appeal - 

To raise funding to provide financial assistance to flood victims 

in Queensland and Northern New South Wales - February 2022

Around 15000 homes have been flooded and some owners

 will be needing assistance to clean and refurbish their residences.

Individuals who are adversely affected and require assistance

 will be identified and be given funds to help with their recovery.

 It is our priority to get funds quickly to those who are in need 

to help them with the clean up and damage caused by the floods.


The aim is to assist those affected to get their lives 

and businesses back to normal as soon as possible.


If you or your club would like to donate to the appeal

, here is the direct link.

Assistant Governor and member of Rotary Club of Elizabeth Quay,

 Matthew Pham, has been fortunate enough to be nominated

 for the Business News 40 Under 40 Awards.

 He’ll be representing not only his business 

but also on behalf of Rotary and the other NFP that he serves.

 This is where Matthew needs Rotary WA's  support!


Matthew would love people to vote for him via the



His profile is 3/4 down the page so it's easier if you are on your computer 

and use the search function (crtl-f) to search for his name 

"Matthew Pham".

 Better yet, by voting you'll be in the draw to win an overnight stay at the Crown Towers.


Any support and assistance is greatly appreciated
Voting closes 8th March

Congratulations to Lisa Cooper on becoming our newest member very special induction tonight.

Membership Director Mick welcomes new member Paul


Tonight the club welcomed Liz Doerksen as its newest member.
 Liz was a pioneer of the Dental Therapy profession in Western Australia
 and was the first President of the Dental Therapy Association in the state,
 before she moved into practice management in the dental industry.
 Liz, with an understanding of the educational benefit
 of reading from her childhood,
 has had a life long commitment to community service in the area of adult literacy
 and the Read Write Now program.
 At Liz’s initiative, the club has supported the 
Community Adult Literacy Foundation.

The club heartily congratulates Liz on her becoming a member
 of it and looks forward to her continues contribution in the community service 


Saturday 12th March 9 - 2:30

Have you booked your club or personal ticket?

Have you invited interested friends and colleagues?


Click here for more information and to book.

 Register for the 2022 Rotary Conference (D9465)

 being held virtually on Saturday the 26th March 8.30am – 2.30pm (AWST).


Join us online for inspiring speakers,


Click here to book 

 your ticket or why not buy a club ticket (1 per Club) 

and enjoy the conference together with others

 or sponsor a student (local or international),

 or Rotaractor or perhaps a potential member?


During the conference you will be:

  1. Be inspired by Craig Challen SC OAM,
  2.  a member of the international team that successfully rescued 
  3. 12 boys and their coach from a flooded cave in Chiang Rai, Thailand.

  4. Be engaged by respected and renowned journalist Stan Grant 
  5. and delve into the reasons to focus on diversity, equity and inclusion

  6. Be disrupted by sometimes controversial but always
  7.  thought-provoking presenter – Sydney Rotarian, Evan Burrell.
  8.  He will get us thinking about our image
  9.  and how we can better promote ourselves.

  10. Be captivated by Katrina Porter, OAM, 
  11. an Australian Paralympic swimmer – 

Please share this information with others in your District.


If you have any questions, please contact: 

Robyn Yates on 0429445280


Kind regards

Pat Schraven

District Governor 2021-2022

The RYPEN (Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment) camp in May is fast approaching!

If you know someone who is 14-17 years of age who is

  • Wanting an opportunity to develop and challenge themselves
  • Looking to develop their self-esteem and confidence
  • Interested in developing skills including leadership, teamwork, communication, goal setting and problem solving
  • Wanting to build a network of young people and to make new friends
  • Excited for a weekend of fun

Then we'd love to have them attend the RYPEN camp from 20th to 22nd May 2022.


RYPEN depends on Rotary Clubs to sponsor participants, and the more participants we get the better the camp will be. We would love to welcome your applicant to the camp.

We've got an exciting and challenging program lined up for the weekend, so if you know of someone who would like to attend please get your applications as soon as possible.



Based on current Government Health Restrictions, RYPEN is able to go ahead as planned.  We will be conforming with all relevant health restrictions, including masks and physical distancing where required.

All participants and volunteers on RYPEN must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

In the event that RYPEN can’t proceed due to COVID-19 restrictions, we will postpone the camp.  Participants will be offered a place on the rescheduled dates, or the club will be refunded the participants fees in full. 


An application form is attached to this email.

Please send applications to The camp costs $330 per attendee and your club will be invoiced later for the camp.


Applications close 1st May 2022!


If you have any questions or would like further information, please don't hesitate to let me know.  You can email program chair Roy Philbin at or call 0418 948 847.


Yours in Service,

Ian Ball

A focus on children in developing healthy coping methods for their well being

 and mental health can create a positive change.

Help fund mental health research here -


Our club has recently been supplying books to the Yiyili 

Aboriginal Community School in the Kimberley.

 We have made two separate donations of approximately 750 books

. The school now has their first library


Our club recently supported Assisi Centre in Uganda

 to build new school kitchens as part their school nutrition program

 which has positive health benefits for staff and students.

 Very appreciative students!


Members and guests gathered to acknowledge the outstanding contribution

 of Rockingham business leaders,

 Brad Dean, Rob McGavin and Gen Bailey

 to the Rockingham Beach Cup Committee.

The Club also recognised our major sponsor and greatest supporter

 - the City of Rockingham.

Special thanks went to Manager Tourism and Economic Development

, Scott Jarvis and Mayor Deb Hamblin for their work to help assure

 the success of the 2021


Australia Day thank you night with 


Thanks to all our sponsors for this year's Australia day, 

could not of done

 it without our local community support.


Friends, Family, Fun and Facilitating Generosity.

Last month, Nick and Lucy (and Jasper!)

 hosted a strategy planning session at their house

. A great opportunity to plan for the busy year ahead,

 be sure to check out our socials for all our upcoming projects and events.


Lucy came to inform us about her experience at RYLA.

 Awesome to hear that she had a fantastic, inspiring time at RYLA.

 Leadership is manifested in many ways with strengths augmented so everyone

can achieve their potential as a leader was the message

. Great speaker 👍


👏Congratulations to Year 12 student Bella G 

winner of the Des Killick Scholarship 2022 

As the State's Covid-19 numbers are increasing,

 we have made a decision to cancel Friday Night BINGO

, to keep our players, ourselves and our families safe

 Please pass this message on.

On a lighter note, last Friday night, we celebrated our 1000th player.
 Congratulations Darryn and to Jenny, number 999.
 See Ramone our caller, Darryn and Tom the spotter
 with Denise taking the photo. 
We look forward to starting again soon, as we see BINGO
 as a "service" to our community

We were privileged to have past governor of WA, Kerry Sanderson,

 with us at lunch to celebrate International Women's Day

. She gave us an insight to roles models who inspired her in early life,

 leading her, and her siblings

, to lead lives that continues to inspire others.


President Peter welcomes Guest Speaker Chris Berry

A fantastic guest speaker this evening from Achievers Club WA Inc.

Danny Mcevoy spoke with heart about this charity that supports students

 from low socio-economic backgrounds in the community be the best they can be.

Please check out the link below to their website & the many opportunities

 to support this wonderful organisation.

There are opportunities to mentor students,

 volunteer in administrative assistance, digital management, 

university liaison & fundraising,

 as well as sponsoring & donating opportunities.


Our inspirational guest this week was Margaret Watroba, 

who outlined her interest in mountain climbing from a very young age

. She has climbed to the summit of Mt Everest twice, firstly in 2011

 on the south face and then in 2013 from the north face. 

An amazing journey of persistence and courage.



Guest Speaker 

- Jai Carlsen. Jai participated in the SANTOS Science Experience.

 A three-day Course in January. 

This programme is a three day, three night course for year ten to eleven students

 who have a special interest in Science,

 to provide them an opportunity to engage in a wide range of fascinating science

 activities under the supervision of scientists who love their work.

 He participated thanks to the encouragement of Marilyn.

 About 120 participants were engaged in a wide number of activities.

 He thoroughly enjoyed the experience and his parents

 said they thought it widened his knowledge and his goals.

 Jai knows he’d like to go to Curtin University, which he feels would best suit his needs.

Excellent and Educational presentation last night from Bec Nguyen

. Bec is a very dedicated team Member of BEACON [Telethon Kids Research Institute]

 and is pictured here with host Dom Domenic Manno     photo credit Craig Howlett.


Great vocational visit at they tonight

 thanks to Lisa Cooper and the team for a great night,

 huge thanks to Boulder Rotary for coming along as well

. #rotaryclubofboulderwa , #theY#


The Rotarians are all set up. for a cuppa and a toastie.

Thank you to everyone who volunteered at our last Bunnings sausage sizzle.

 The crowds kept coming and it was an outstanding effort by all.

 Well done everyone



Bricks4Kidz is back!!

Saturday 19th March at the Hub of Hills Mundaring.

 To avoid people booking and not showing up, this year 

we have a $15 per person fee that will be fully refunded when you arrive at the venue.

To book click here!


As Rotarians we share a unique passion for taking action to improve

 our communities and the world.

 Where others see problems, we see solutions.

 This is our chance to show others how Rotarians see what’s possible

 in their communities and to highlight what we can achieve when more community leaders

 join Rotary. Roslyn Teirney will show you how our

 People of Action campaign will help you do this.

The RYPEN (Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment) camp in May is fast approaching!

If you know someone who is 14-17 years of age who is

  • Wanting an opportunity to develop and challenge themselves
  • Looking to develop their self-esteem and confidence
  • Interested in developing skills including leadership, teamwork, communication, goal setting and problem solving
  • Wanting to build a network of young people and to make new friends
  • Excited for a weekend of fun

Then we'd love to have them attend the RYPEN camp from 20th to 22nd May 2022.


RYPEN depends on Rotary Clubs to sponsor participants, and the more participants we get the better the camp will be. We would love to welcome your applicant to the camp.

We've got an exciting and challenging program lined up for the weekend, so if you know of someone who would like to attend please get your applications as soon as possible.



Based on current Government Health Restrictions, RYPEN is able to go ahead as planned.  We will be conforming with all relevant health restrictions, including masks and physical distancing where required.

All participants and volunteers on RYPEN must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

In the event that RYPEN can’t proceed due to COVID-19 restrictions, we will postpone the camp.  Participants will be offered a place on the rescheduled dates, or the club will be refunded the participants fees in full. 


An application form is attached to this email.

Please send applications to The camp costs $330 per attendee and your club will be invoiced later for the camp.


Applications close 1st May 2022!


If you have any questions or would like further information, please don't hesitate to let me know.  You can email program chair Roy Philbin at or call 0418 948 847.


Yours in Service,

Ian Ball


near Bremer Bay


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